Helping Driven Females

Achieve Unstoppable Energy, Unbeatable Confidence And Thrive Across Body, Career, Family & Fun

and bring your very best you to the party

let me ask...

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

  • By the time you've cared for everyone else you feel as though you don't have the time or the energy to focus on you.

  • You feel as though you are doing the right things in relation to your nutrition and exercise but aren't getting the results you feel you deserve.

  • You feel as though you know what you should be doing but you just can't seem to do it.

  • When life gets busy you and your health and fitness goals are the first thing to suffer.

If you answered yes to any of the above...I can help

I know you are currently incredibly busy balancing a demanding career, steering the family ship and also trying to find time to look after your health and body composition.

It’s one big juggling act and you often feel as though balls are dropping faster than you can catch them.

Don’t worry I get it - it’s exhausting.

Your body composition isn’t in a terrible place.

So maybe you should just continue to put your family and career first?

BUT you know you deserve more.

I know you deserve more.

And my passion lies in helping you achieve this.

I speak to so many women on a weekly basis who are not in a bad place.

They already train regularly, they eat well most of the time and they aren’t desperately unhappy with how they look.

These women however are high achievers in every area of their lives.

They don’t want to settle for average or fine.

They want to be inspired to achieve what they know they are capable of.

That's Why I Created The Average To Inspired Coaching Programme

A unique, bespoke and tailored plan to guide you to a place where you are finally happy with your body

For the past 8 years I have been working with women just like you.

Helping them achieve a body that they never dreamed was possible whilst still being an incredible partner, mum and friend and excelling at work.

And I'd love to help you achieve the same.

Real people. real results.

What others say about my coaching

"It is difficult to articulate just how amazing the journey has been for me. I have never felt this good about myself, ever! I’m achieving so much more than I ever felt possible."


"The last 9 months have been amazing. Leanne has introduced me to a whole new world. I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been. I’m finally happy with my body and what it can do. I can honestly say I’ve never been more content with my life."


"I really can’t express how much my life has changed for the better. Leanne has taught me that life is all about balance. I feel calmer, happier, less stressed and I have started to look in the mirror. I love my new body shape."



Leanne Hurst

Hey, I'm Leanne

I'm in the last year of my 30s and I'm married with two incredible children who are 1 and 3 years old.

In a past life I was a Criminal Law Solicitor, but that all changed when I discovered a strong passion for fitness - in particular, helping women achieve results they never thought possible.

I've been a coach in the fitness industry since 2016, and have had the pleasure of helping 100s of women on the journey from feeling Average to Inspired.

Here's some of my client results

Results For Life, Not Just For Social Media







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